
Thursday, July 9, 2009

Long Night For a Subway

Taking the subway from the depths of Brooklyn back to Manhattan is not always fun because it usually takes a much, much longer time to get back to Manhattan late at night than it does to get to Brooklyn at a reasonable time. Why? Because this is the way the world works.

Tonight, however, two friends and I got a delightful dose of humor while still experiencing a "happy time." On the D train, the door conductor lady (yes, the lady who decides when to close/open the doors at each stop) was crazy.

Basically she opened and closed the door in all but 10 seconds. If you made it in: Congratulations. If you missed it and asked her to open the door for you, well, she'd say, "That's your fucking problem for not getting here on fucking time."

This happened three times on consecutive stops. A few people rushed to her and she closed the doors before they could enter, and she just told them no. Fuck no, to be more exact.

It was hilarious. In between stops she even came into our car to talk to everyone. Closing doors on people, she said, is the highlight of her day.

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