
Thursday, July 23, 2009

Spit on 6

I sat next to this crazed woman on the 6 train this morning.

She was wearing pink and had a little tote bag. Her hair was a little messy but, hey, whose hair can really stand this humidity? Scattered across her lap was the morning Times. Right around 14th Street, she was crumbling and un-crumbling the Home & Garden section of the paper, I believe.

Suspiciously she sort of looked around and then impulsively tore off a corner of the paper and put it up to her mouth where she either spit on it or licked it. I thought she wanted to put her gum in it, but there was no gum in her mouth.

Then she folded the Home & Garden section and put it down next to her (next to me) and she got off at Astor Place where she took her entire paper, except for the spit section.

The lady who was standing in front of her asked, "excuse me, I think you left the rest of your paper."

But the crazed woman just shook her head and ran away and dashed through the turnstiles.

"Did you see what she did to that paper?!" The lady was clearly just as shocked as I was.


She shook her head solemnly and left at Bleecker Street.

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